Thursday, June 12, 2008

Yuvraj bowls Diyva Dutta!

/photo.cms?msid=3120825 What's up with Yuvi aka Yuvraj Singh? After IPL he seems to be in a mood to party and celebrate, but for what? Whatever the reason, the other day we spotted him at a suburban night spot, flashing his usual infectious smile and dancing away to glory. After sometime his roving eyes caught up with another damsel. And on closer look, she turned out to be Divya Dutta (she's here there and everywhere these days). Rest assured, both the punjus were soon caught in a deep animated conversation jabbering away in punbju. What's cooking guys? Maybe they are just good friends. Well that's where everything starts, isn't it? Anyways, we decided to leave the two punjus alone for the rest of the night, hopefully they headed home after their

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