Monday, June 9, 2008

RGV answers critics

Ram Gopal Varma in his own maverick style, has answered in his blog.
Here are few experts:

"If the point of a review is to critically analyze someone else’s work and to possibly inform/educate or psyche the viewer why to or why not to watch a particular film, I think it’s only fair that the filmmaker too should give his reaction to what the reviewer commented upon."

"A film is a statement of an individual. It’s fair enough that there will be people out there who agree or disagree or not interested or fascinated depending upon that particular individual’s sensibility, intelligence, background, etc. But why should one individual try to influence them just because they are tagged as critics. What is their qualification? Is it their quality of bitchiness or expertise in rhyming or knowledge of cinema?"

More on RGV's Blog

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